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All materials for baby massage are supplied. 

Bring along your usual nappy bag, an extra change of clothes for baby, and a warm wrap or baby blanket.

During the classes, baby massage is done sitting on the floor with your baby. If you feel more comfortable sitting on a cushion, please feel free to BYO cushion.

Sample massage oil (apricot kernel) is provided; however, Little Rainbow Infant massage is also a stockist of Willow by The Sea, which is a 100% organic baby skin care collection, made in small batches by the beach in Newcastle, Australia. Can be purchased after class or online before Class.

During our classes, baby massage is done sitting on the floor or on a cushion, so please wear comfortable clothing. 

Slip on shoes are a good idea so that you can comfortably sit on the floor with bare feet (not necessary, but certainly quite comfy!)

Dress your baby in something that allows easy dressing/undressing. Baby massage is done with baby undressed (Nappy can remain on). Zippy suits or light summer clothing are ideal, depending on the weather.

Responding to your baby’s needs is part of baby massage. So if feeding, cuddling, settling, or changing is what your baby needs, you are absolutely free to do that!

Some babies sleep or feed through some of the class. This can be helpful to allow parents to absorb the information while baby is asleep or feeding. Then when baby wakes up, parents can try out the techniques.

On occasion, a baby will sleep for the entire session. In these instances, parents might try the techniques on an instructor doll for that week so that they don’t miss out. You can then try the massage at home before the next class. 

Carla is a mother of 5, so she has empathy for parents when their babies are unsettled and lots of care for crying babies! 

Crying is a normal part of life with a baby – so, of course, your baby will probably become unsettled at some point during the class because they are tired, hungry, have a tummy pain, or perhaps for some unexplained reason. Remember that the other class participants have babies too, so they will understand. There is no need to leave the room with a crying baby – but if you feel that some peace and quiet might help your baby, there is always the option to step outside for a moment.

All babies cry. In fact, normal crying can be for up to 3 hours a day in the first few months. This crying sometimes happens without any known reason. By 3 or 4 months, this usually settles. Then, babies’ crying is often a form of communication.

If you miss a class, you’ll be able to catch up on the information the following week and the instructor will find a moment to work with you and your baby to make sure you’re feeling comfortable with the massage techniques from the missed session. If you miss the final class, you can have some additional information emailed to you. Individual missed classes cannot be refunded. In exceptional circumstances, where several classes are missed, please email us to discuss options.
The fee is the same, even if two caregivers attend the class. We charge one fee per family (maximum two adults). Often, mothers find the class more manageable when they bring along dad, a grandparent or aunty to the class.

The fee is the same, weather you have one baby, twins or triplets. We charge one fee per family (maximum 2 adults). If you have more than one baby, it might be useful to bring an additional caregiver. Many families with multiple babies prefer to organise a private class with Carla in the Little Rainbow Infant Office (Griffith Community Centre). Please feel free to book online for private session. 

The baby massage classes work best when  parents/caregivers can fully focus on their baby and when babies can relax and attend without distractions from bigger children if possible. 

If you are unable to arrange care for older siblings, please contact us to discuss options such as a private baby massage session.

Baby massage classes are for babies under 1 year old.

There is ramp and pram access at the front of Griffith  Community Centre. Therefore, feel free to bring prams to the classes. We encourage you to bring along whatever is helpful for you and your baby.

Absolutely, baby dolls are provided for pregnant mums to practice and learn the techniques ready for when their baby arrives. This can provide mums extra confidence before the baby arrives resulting in less anxiety in parenting for the first time. You will also feel part of the Little Rainbow Infant Massage Community attending classes weekly. After class feel free to utilize the beautiful space at Griffith Community Centre and engage with other parents and caregivers.
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First Birthday Party

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